
fredag 3 januari 2014

New challenge at Crafty Catz...

Hope you all had a great Christmas and I hope Santa brought you something you wished for...

We have had a break at Crafty Catz Challenge blog over the Holidays and are now back with lots and lots of new great challenges for 2014! Are you ready to play?

The first challenge for 2014 is


We got a great sponsor for this challenge 
No less than....

Prize: 7 digi stamps of your choice!

Now please pop over and have a look at the wonderful inspiration my team mates provide at Crafty Catz Challenge Blog!

3 kommentarer:

  1. Hi Nick
    Happy New year to you and your's
    Hugs Dianne xx :)

  2. a lovely card to start the new year,
    best wishes Tilly

  3. Happy New Year. All the best in 2014. Hugs Nina
