
måndag 26 november 2012

Happy Birthday to you...

It was my youngest cousins birthday last week and I made this card to him. Have used a great digi stamp from Tickled Pink.

The paper is from Bella BLVD and I also added some great black and white washi tape.

I would like to enter following challenges:

I(heart)ProMarkers - challenge #144 - singing or dancing
The Corrosive Challenge #163 - Anything goes
Here Comes The Boys #41 - Birthday only
Joanna Sheen Challenge -Anything goes excluding Christmas
DYSU challeng #99 - numbers

8 kommentarer:

  1. Wow!!!Lovely birthday card.I loved the image and the washi tapes in the background.Thanks for joining us at DYSU this week.

  2. Fabulous birthday card. Great image.
    Thanks for joining us at DYSU this week xx

  3. Fabulous birthday card. I love the image and design.
    Thanks for joining this weeks challenge at I ♥ ProMarkers
    Lorraine x

  4. Such a fabulous image and great colours. Thank you for joining us at Here Comes The Boys. Hugs! Mojca

  5. This is fabulous Nick! I love this image, and your colouring is wonderful!
    Thanks for joining us at DYSU this week!

  6. Wow nick what a fabulous card ,love the image and he is so wonderfully coloured...amazing card design
    Thanks for joining us at I love promarkers and good luck
    Tracey x

  7. Great fun card - awesome image and a fabulous design hun! :)

    Thanks so much for joining us at the Joanna Sheen Challenge,


